Saturday, February 15, 2020

Dossier regarding a recent russian contemporary affair Essay

Dossier regarding a recent russian contemporary affair - Essay Example The paper focused on the notion that sentencing was executed with a personal grudge from the president Putin himself and also revealed the picture of pro-â€Å"Pussy Riot† case. But it also reflected a bit of criticism of the case in an indirect manner supporting the convicted by stating that they have performed an act of hooliganism which further reflects the strictness of the Russian government in this case (Pussy Riot members jailed for two years for hooliganism, 2012). In the article â€Å"Anti-Putin Stunt Earns Punk Band Two Years in Jail† published in August 2012 on NY Times also criticized sentencing of the Pussy Riot Case and highlighted on the global reactions in favor of the case. Giving the instance of the performance of the band members and their subsequent conviction the report stated that it was a kind of forced sentencing on the alleged persons. The report also highlighted that the members of the band had no intentions of hurting the Orthodox sentiments b ut their performance was a symbol of protest against the third time election of Putin as the President through manipulation and loosening the attributes of democracy (Herszenhorn, 2012). The convicted were also not given proper flexibilities in defending themselves. In the article â€Å"History Repeated Itself as Farce in 2012† from Moscow times published in 7th January 2013 by journalist Roland Oliphant also reflects its sympathy for the members of Pussy and blames the Russian President as a move to curb down the opposition and also making its authority over the opposition and establishing anti democratic aura but the report also directs that western media have exaggerated the issue and the event can occur in the west as well (Oliphant, 2013). 3. Vladimir Putin and controversy Vladimir Putin in Russia after serving a term from 1999 to 2008 in Russia as the Prime Minister and President was also re elected as the President of Russia in 2012 (White, 2011, p.175). Although Russi a follows a pure democratic regime but the presidential election was not a favorable outcome for a large fraction of people in Russia. Huge constraints have come from the opposition political parties in Russia like that of People’s Freedom Party and Republic Party of Russia with the notion that Putin has manipulated the votes in his favor and have jeopardized the crux of democracy. On the eve of the Presidential election, there were military troops in the streets and there were more than hundred of arrests. One of the opposition leaders stated that, â€Å"If it was a free election, why have they flooded the entire city of troops? They fear us† (Stewart and Palmer, 2012). On the eve of Presidential election and his victory, Putin was found shading tears. The protestors criticized this action of the president by stating that this tear was seen for the first time in Putin’s eyes after gaining victory in the elections by a share of 64 per cent votes. Anti Putin camp aigner Ilya yashin stated that, ‘It is the first time within the last 12 years we saw the tears of the dictator’

Sunday, February 2, 2020

SEN Autism and Learning Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

SEN Autism and Learning - Literature review Example The exact cause of Autism remains unknown, and is still under the purview of various ongoing scientific researches. From the previous researches conducted by different scientists there are suggestions that Autism may result from genetic mutations within the human body, but there are no clarifications, as of yet, whether this condition results from rare genetic mutations, or from the rare combinations of commonly occurring gene variants (Abrahams and Geschwind, 2008, 345).    There are also other researches that suggest that Autism may be caused by certain environmental  factors, like pesticides, vaccinations in children, and heavy metals  (Rutter, 2005); though the hypothesis in children’s vaccines has been strongly contended by other researchers, owing to a complete lack of any supporting  scientific material (Gerber and Offit, 2009, 256-261). Kestenbaum (2008), in his research papers suggested that Autism can be observed in a child even before he is 3 years of age, t hough the American Psychiatric Association (2000) states that the external manifestations of Autism during infancy, especially during the child’ first two years, are very subtle and almost esoteric in nature, thus making it extremely difficult to delineate and diagnose the disorder. Autism can be identified by certain clinically characteristics that can be broadly defined as â€Å"deficits in reciprocal social behaviour,  with accompanying delays in the development of language, and  by the emergence of stereotypic patterns of odd behaviour...that reflects a restricted range of interests. Reciprocal  social behaviour refers to the extent to which a child engages interaction with  others† (Constantino and Todd, 2000, 2043).... This essay approves that from a study of its symptoms and characteristics of the disorder, it is now quite evident that the diagnoses of Autism would be more behaviour based, and not dependent on the mechanism or cause of the disorder. The two most commonly used diagnoses tests for Autism are the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised which as a form of semi-structured parent interview; and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule for observing and interacting with a child, in order to understand the nature of his impairments. This report makes a conclusion that autism is a form of developmental disorder that can be diagnosed as early as in a three year old child. However, one must take care that once a child is diagnosed as Autistic, the parents must go in for early intervention, so that the available support systems be started as early as possible, in order to give the child the maximum benefit as regards assistance in acquiring skills necessary for self-care, and social interactions which would help the child to integrate better into the society as he grows up. Counsellors working with autistic children should approach the child with a broader perspective, and include other service providers like psychiatrists, teachers, and other experts in the medical field. The teachers, within an inclusive model, must be well trained and given appropriate support so that they can effectively teach within an integrative classroom setting. Thus, the chief aim should be not in differentiating according to a childâ€⠄¢s disabilities, but more towards focussing on how to integrate a child with learning disabilities with the general children in a class, and the society at large.