Friday, May 8, 2020

The Poetry of Wallace Stevens - 946 Words

Though Wallace Stevens commonly uses a blank-verse writing style in his poetry, staying true to the style’s definition of unrhymed lines with consistent meter, â€Å"Sunday Morning† differs from the poet’s other work as he maintains consistency in stanza structure as well. Here, each of the eight stanzas consists of 15 feet and contain 10 beats per line (classic iambic pentameter). This extremely organized structure seems ironic, as the poem’s theme involves the death of Christianity and organized religion. However, it also lends to Stevens’ message of the importance of life and death, and the immaculate nature and consistency seen in earth’s life cycles. â€Å"Sunday Morning† is an example of Wallace Stevens’ romantic-period writing style, as he articulates the human connection to nature and the existence of spirituality within ones physical surroundings. The uncompromising structure of the poem provides a meditative rhythm (showing Stevens connection to Milton and the romanic era) as the speaker reflects on the relationship between oneself and the natural environment. Simultaneously, Stevens’ use of blank-verse and inclusion of both enjambments and end-stopped lines allows for artistic exploration, mirroring a human thought pattern and the speaker’s mental exploration of personal beliefs. The syntax resembles a racing mind, as the sentence structure is the only aspect of the poem that does not follow a strict pattern. This is evident as the speaker ponders a Pagan perspective,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem Of Modern Poetry By Wallace Stevens Essay1186 Words   |  5 PagesTaking a broad view at one of Wallace Stevens’s poems shows clues that Stevens believes in Heraclitus’s theory. 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